v1.0.0 Summary Appendix II: Shortcut listing
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Appendix II: Shortcut listing

The goal of this appendix is to reunite all available shortcut keys that trigger the features available in pgModeler. Note that if you are running pgModeler on the macOS system any appearance of Control (Ctrl) key in the listing below must be replaced by Command (Cmd) key.

Shortcut Triggered action
Ctrl + N Create a new model.
Ctrl + O Load a model.
Ctrl + W Close the current focused model.
Ctrl + S Save the current focused model.
Ctrl + P Print the current focused model.
Ctrl + Shift + S Show the main menu bar.
Ctrl + Shift + H Hide the main menu bar.
Ctrl + Shift + E Open the model export dialog.
Ctrl + Shift + I Open the database import dialog.
Ctrl + Shift + D Open the model database diff dialog.
Ctrl + Q Quit pgModeler.
Ctrl + Z Undo an executed operation.
Ctrl + Y Redo an executed operation.
Ctrl + C Copy the selected objects.
Ctrl + X Cut the selected objects.
Ctrl + V Paste the previously copied objects.
Del Delete the selected objects.
Ctrl + G Toggles canvas area grid.
Ctrl + L Toggles canvas area page delimiter lines.
Ctrl + 0 Reset the zoom factor.
Ctrl + + Zoom in the canvas area.
Ctrl + - Zoom out the canvas area.
F10 Open the model overview dialog.
F1 Open the documentation page.
F4 Open the about dialog.
F2 Rename the selected objects.
Ctrl + E Edit the selected object's permissions.
Alt + Q Open the custom SQL dialog.
Ctrl + A Select all objects in the canvas area.
Space Open the properties dialog for the selected object.
Alt + S Open the source code preview dialog for the selected object.
Left Arrow Move canvas area to left.
Right Arrow Move canvas area to right.
Up Arrow Move up the canvas area.
Down Arrow Move down the canvas area.
Shift + Click + Drag Enable range selection on canvas area.
Middle click + Drag Enable panning mode on canvas area.
Ctrl + Click Enables the object multi-selection.
Ctrl + Shift + Click Enables the table's children multi-selection.
Shift + Click Add points to the selected relationship line.
Alt + Shift + Click Reset the relationship labels to their original positions.
Alt + V Toggles the validation widget.
F5 Execute the command typed in the SQL tool.
Esc Cancel the SQL command execution in the SQL tool.
Alt + O Toggle the output widget in the SQL tool.
Alt + B Toggles the model objects widget.
Ins Add a new item on an object's grid.
Del Delete the selected item from an object's grid.
Shift + Del Delete all items from an object's grid.
Space Triggers the item edition in an object's grid.
Alt + R Triggers the item update in an object's grid.
Ctrl + D Triggers the item duplication in an object's grid.
Ctrl + Up Move one row up an item in the object's grid.
Ctrl + Down Move one row down an item in the object's grid.
Ctrl + Home Move to the first row an item in the object's grid.
Ctrl + End Move to the last row an item at object's grid.
N Toggle the new object overlay. For the single letter shortcuts below the overlay must be visible in order to trigger their respective actions.
G Open the cast editing form.
K Open the event trigger editing form.
E Open the extension editing form.
7 Open the foreign data wrapper editing form.
L Open the language editing form.
8 Open the generic SQL editing form.
R Open the role editing form.
S Open the schema editing form.
6 Open the foreign server editing form.
P Open the tablespace editing form.
9 Open the tag editing form.
M Open the textbox editing form.
5 Open the user mapping editing form.
3 Open the transform editing form.
0 Edit the permissions for the currently selected object.
A Open the aggregate editing form.
H Open the collation editing form.
J Open the conversion editing form.
D Open the domain editing form.
F Open the function editing form.
4 Open the foreign table editing form.
U Open the operator editing form.
O Open the operator class editing form.
I Open the operator family editing form.
2 Open the procedure editing form.
W Open the view editing form.
Q Open the sequence editing form.
T Open the table editing form.
Y Open the type editing form.
C Open the column editing form.
Z Open the constraint editing form.
X Open the index editing form.
V Open the rule editing form.
B Open the trigger editing form.
0 Open the table permissions form.
9 Open the policy editing form.
1 Add a one-to-one relationship.
2 Add a one-to-many relationship.
3 Add a many-to-many relationship.
4 Add an inheritance relationship.
5 Add a copy relationship.
6 Add a partitioning relationship.
F5 Refresh data listing in data manipulation dialog.
Alt + G Open the data manipulation dialog in the SQL tool.
Alt + F5 Performs a quick refresh on the database explorer.
Ctrl + F5 Performs a full refresh on the database explorer.
Ctrl + S Save changes in data manipulation dialog.
Ctrl + C Copy selected rows in data manipulation dialog as CSV buffer.
Ctrl + Shift + C Copy selected rows in data manipulation dialog as plain text buffer.
Ctrl + X Export results to CSV in data manipulation dialog.
Ctrl + Z Undo operations in data manipulation dialog.
Ctrl + D Duplicate the selected rows in the data manipulation dialog.
Ctrl + E Triggers the bulk data editing in the data manipulation dialog.
Ctrl + V Paste the contents of the clipboard into the data manipulation dialog.
Ctrl + R Clears the selected cells in the data manipulation dialog.
Ctrl + L Toggles the CSV loading widget in data manipulation dialog.
Ins Add a blank row in the data manipulation dialog.
Del Mark a line to be deleted in the data manipulation dialog.
F12 Open pgModeler settings.

Jan 27, 2023 at 17:05